John Michael Gore

Letter from Skip & Marsha...

July 26, 2014

Dear Friends and Family of John Michael,

Please keep coming back as this website will be changing in the next few months as we change the website for the John Michael Gore Foundation - should be ready by October 11, 2014.  We are excited to honor John Michael's memory with this Foundation. Please email if you would like to receive more information about the Foundation.

Skip and Marsha Gore


October 11, 2011

To those who loved John Michael…..and, his mama and daddy,

Two years have passed since that fateful day.  We’ve taken one step at a time – sometimes a baby step; sometimes a giant leap……and, sometimes we’ve just come to a standstill.  But, the steps we’ve taken have all been because of the love that John Michael left behind.

Skip and I have moved this past year; the hardest part was making our first move without John Michael; but we know he was with us in spirit – and, probably having the last laugh as he hated the physical part of moving furniture and always found a way to disappear when the moving time came.

I have continued to chronicle our journey through my blog and hope you will take the time to visit and share it with anyone who might be blessed by it.  Plans for our John Michael Gore foundation are still in the making with our goal to make a difference for other families who have suffered the loss of a child.  Until then, please keep in touch either through this website, the blog, or just an email.  John Michael loved keeping in touch with everyone he knew; we pray that all those whose paths he crossed have daily blessings.

It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death……..

Thank you for your love,

Skip and Marsha 





October 11, 2010

Dear all of our wonderful family and friends,

As we approach October 11, 2010, we must say a few words to so many people who have loved us, prayed for us, sent wonderful messages, and had us in their thoughts.  We celebrate John Michael’s life as we remember all that has been done for us as we began our new life.  I don’t say “without him” as he is with us daily, in everything we do.  Our new life began in the valley of darkness and has led us, sometimes blindly, through stages of uncertainty, fear, and finally appreciation for the world around us, for it is this world that John Michael loved so – the people and places that molded him into the person he was.  From the scholarship established in his name at The University of Oklahoma, the random acts of kindness, and the many messages posted on this website or emailed to us, we have truly been blessed.

I began a blog this past week dedicated to his memory in hopes of healing for just not us, but for those who also knew and loved him and for those who do not know us, but are grieving for their own. 

Our next step somewhere in the future will be establishing a non-profit foundation that will fund more scholarships and programs for children.

 Again, thank you for your love.


In His Grip,

 Skip and Marsha

but those who hope in the LORD

            will renew their strength.

            They will soar on wings like eagles;

            They will run and not grow weary,

            They will walk and not be faint.


Isaiah 40:31


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